News & Announcements
Book on Artificial-Intelligence Microscope
Professor Jalali and his students Ata Mahjoubfar and Claire Chen have published a book that details the world's fastest and most accurate AI-powered microscope for identification of biological cells. Used with a microfluidics chip, the microscope has proven...
AI time-stretch microscope solves big data problem in cancer diagnostics
Our technical article published by Mathworks® highlights that the TS-QPI system generates equivalent of 20 HD movies per second. For a single experiment, in which every cell in a 10-milliliter blood sample is imaged, the system generates from 10 to 50 terabytes of...
AI-augmented microscope uses deep learning to take on cancer
Mathworks® has featured our recently published research which combines microscopy and deep learning for cancer diagnosis. The article explains how Matlab® can be used for design, simulation, and modeling of quantitative phase imaging, amplified time-stretch, and big...
AI Time Stretch Microscope covered in 70 media outlets
The time-stretch microscopy technique which was first developed in the Jalali lab has recently been combined with artificial intelligence for cancer cell detection. This research work was enthusiastically received in the scientific community and has been covered by 70...
The Birth of Mode Locking
The work of Jalali-Lab in collaboration with U. Gottingen in Germany appeared on the cover of Nature Photonics, May 2016. The cover shows the birth of laser mode-locking captured for the first time. The feat was enabled by Photonic Time Stretch technology invented at...
Madhuri Suthar receives five prestigious awards at her undergraduate alma mater ISM-Dhanbad
Graduate student Madhuri Suthar received the State Bank of India Student of the Year Award (for securing highest G.P.A in the institute) and ISM Gold Medal (for securing first position in the class of 85 students of Electronics and Communication Engineering B.Tech...
AI Time Stretch Microscope in Cancer Detection Further details can be found at this article.
Interactive Time-Stretch ADC and DFT Design Calculators Go Live
The Time Stretch Enhanced Recorder (TiSER) ADC takes a high speed analog electronic signal, slows it down by a photonic time-stretch preprocessor, and digitizes that with a relatively slow but high resolution electronic analog-to-digital converter. With this...
Powerful image detection algorithm source code released
The Phase Stretch Transform algorithm, as it is known, is a physics-inspired computational approach to processing images and information. The algorithm grew out of UCLA research on a technique called photonic time stretch, which has been used for ultrafast imaging and...
Big Data Photonics Workshop 2016
Big Data Photonics is an annual workshop that focus on the theme, "Trends Shaping the Future of Photonics". The goal of the workshop is to bring industry and academia from the US, Denmark, and elsewhere together to showcase the newest trends and best practices within...
Undergraduate researcher Nora Brackbill
Undergraduate researcher Rebecca Brown
Postdoctoral scholar Keisuke Goda
2012 Aron Kressel Award
2012 Distinguished Engineering Achievement Award
2011-2012 Electrical Engineering Department's Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award
Kam Yan Hon's paper
Kam Yan Hon’s paper titled “The Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Coefficients of Si, Ge, and Si(1-x)Ge(x) in the midwave and longwave infrared” has been selected to be on the cover of Journal of Applied Physics. Congratulations!
Using a combination of semiconductor theory and experimental results from the scientific literature, we have compiled and plotted the key third-order nonlinear optical coefficients of bulk crystalline Si and Ge as a function of wavelength (1.5-6.7 um for Si and 2.0-14.7 um for Ge).
SPIE Scholarship
Ali Fard wins SPIE Scholarship. This award recognizes his academic and research excellence in the field of optics and photonics. Congratulations!