
Selected Publications

  • A. Mahjoubfar, D. V. Churkin, S. Barland, N. Broderick, S. K. Turitsyn and B. Jalali, “Time stretch and its applications”, Nature Photonics 11 (2017) link pdf

  • G. Herink, B. Jalali, C. Ropers and D. R. Solli, “Resolving the build-up of femtosecond mode-locking with single-shot spectroscopy at 90 MHz frame rate,” Nature Photonics 10 (2016). link pdf

  • Claire Lifan Chen, Ata Mahjoubfar, Li-Chia Tai, Ian K. Blaby, Allen Huang, Kayvan Reza Niazi and Bahram Jalali, “Deep Learning in Label-free Cell Classification,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, 21471 (2016). link pdf

  • Ata Mahjoubfar, Claire Lifan Chen and Bahram Jalali, “Design of Warped Stretch Transform,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 17148 (2015). link pdf

  • Bahram Jalali and Ata Mahjoubfar, “Tailoring Wideband Signals With a Photonic Hardware Accelerator,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 103, No. 7, pp. 1071-1086 (2015). link pdf

  • Claire Lifan Chen, Ata Mahjoubfar, and Bahram Jalali, “Optical Data Compression in Time Stretch Imaging,” PLOS ONE, Vol. 10, No. 04, pp. e0125106 (2015). link pdf

  • Mohammad H. Asghari and Bahram Jalali, “Anamorphic transformation and its application to timebandwidth compression,” Applied Optics, Vol. 52, Issue 27, pp. 6735-6743 (2013). link pdf

  • Eric D. Diebold, BrandonW. Buckley, Daniel R. Gossett and Bahram Jalali, “Digitally synthesized beat frequency multiplexing for sub-millisecond fluorescence microscopy,” Nature Photonics, (2013). link pdf

  • K. Goda and B. Jalali, Dispersive Fourier transformation for fast continuous single-shot measurements, Nature Photonics 7, 102 (2013) doi pdf

  • K. Goda, A. Ayazi, D. R. Gossett, J. Sadasivam, C. K. Lonappan, E. Sollier, A. M. Fard, S. C. Hur, J. Adam, C. Murray, C. Wang, N. Brackbill, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, “High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 11630 (2012) doi pdf

  • D. R. Solli, G. Herink, B. Jalali, and C. Ropers, “Fluctuations and correlations in modulation instability,” Nature Photonics 6. 463 (2012) doi pdf

  • K. Goda, A. Mahjoubfar, C. Wang, A. Fard, J. Adam, D. R. Gossett, A. Ayazi, E. Sollier, O. Malik, E. Chen, Y. Liu, R. Brown, N. Sarkhosh, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, “Hybrid dispersion laser scanner,” Scientific Reports 2, 445 (2012) link pdf

  • D. R. Solli, B. Jalali, and C. Ropers, “Seeded supercontinuum generation with optical parametric down-conversion,” Physical Review Letters 105, 233902 (2010) doi pdf

  • K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, “Serial time-encoded amplified imaging for real-time observation of fast dynamic phenomena,” Nature 458, 1145 (2009) doi pdf

  • S. Gupta and B. Jalali, “Time stretch enhanced recording oscilloscope,” Applied Physics Letters 94, 041105 (2009) doi pdf

  • K. K. Tsia, K. Goda, D. Capewell, and B. Jalali, Simultaneous mechanical-scan-free confocal microscopy and laser microsurgery, Optics Letters 34, 2099 (2009) doi pdf

  • N. K. Hon, K. K. Tsia, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, “Periodically poled silicon,” Applied Physics Letters 94, 091116 (2009) doi pdf

  • D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, and B. Jalali, “Active control of rogue waves for stimulated supercontinuum generation,” Physical Review Letters 101, 233902 (2008) doi pdf

  • K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, “Amplified dispersive Fourier-transform imaging for ultrafast displacement sensing and barcode reading,” Applied Physics Letters 93, 131109 (2008) doi pdf

  • D. R. Solli, J. Chou, and B. Jalali, “Amplified wavelength-time transformation for real-time spectroscopy,” Nature Photonics 2, 48 (2008) doi pdf

  • D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, “Optical rogue waves,” Nature 450, 1054 (2007) doi pdf

  • B. Jalali, “Laser design: a cooler Raman laser,” Nature Photonics 1, 691 (2007) doi pdf

  • R. C. J. Hsu, A. Ayazi, B. Houshmand, and B. Jalali, “All-dielectric photonic-assisted radio front-end technology,” Nature Photonics 1, 535 (2007) doi pdf

  • B. Jalali, “Teaching silicon new tricks,” Nature Photonics 1, 193 (2007) doi pdf

Journal Papers


Chanju BKim, Ata Mahjoubfar, Jacky CK Chan, Akio Yazaki, Young-Chul Noh, and Bahram Jalali, “Matrix Analysis of Warped Stretch Imaging”, Scientific Reports 7 (2017). link pdf


  1. Bahram Jalali and Ata Mahjoubfar, “Tailoring Wideband Signals With a Photonic Hardware Accelerator,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 103, No. 7, pp. 1071-1086 (2015). link pdf
  2. Claire Lifan Chen, Ata Mahjoubfar, and Bahram Jalali, “Optical Data Compression in Time Stretch Imaging,” PLOS ONE, Vol. 10, No. 04, pp. e0125106 (2015). link pdf


  1. Mohammad H. Asghari and Bahram Jalali, “Anamorphic transformation and its application to timebandwidth compression,” Applied Optics, Vol. 52, Issue 27, pp. 6735-6743 (2013). link pdf
  2. Eric D. Diebold, BrandonW. Buckley, Daniel R. Gossett and Bahram Jalali, “Digitally synthesized beat frequency multiplexing for sub-millisecond fluorescence microscopy,” Nature Photonics, (2013). link pdf
  3. Peter T. S. DeVore, David Borlaug, and Bahram Jalali, “Enhancing electrooptic modulators using modulation instability,” Phys. Status Solidi RRL 7, No. 8, 566570 (2013). link pdf
  4. Ali M. Fard, Shalabh Gupta, and Bahram Jalali, “Photonic time-stretch digitizer and its extension to real-time spectroscopy and imaging,” Laser Photonics Rev., 1(57), (2013) doi pdf
  5. K. Goda and B. Jalali, Dispersive Fourier transformation for fast continuous single-shot measurements, Nature Photonics 7, 102 (2013) doi pdf
  6. A. M. Fard, S. Gupta, and B. Jalali, Photonic time-stretch digitizer and its extension to real-time spectroscopy and imaging, Laser & Photonics Reviews (2013) doi


  1. K. Goda, A. Ayazi, D. R. Gossett, J. Sadasivam, C. K. Lonappan, E. Sollier, A. M. Fard, S. C. Hur, J. Adam, C. Murray, C. Wang, N. Brackbill, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 11630 (2012) doi pdf
  2. D. R. Solli, G. Herink, B. Jalali, and C. Ropers, Fluctuations and correlations in modulation instability, Nature Photonics 6, 463 (2012) doi pdf
  3. M. H. Asghari and B. Jalali, Stereopsis-inspired time-stretched amplified real-time spectrometer (STARS), IEEE Photonics Journal 4, 1693 (2012), Invited. doi pdf
  4. K. Goda, A. Mahjoubfar, C. Wang, A. Fard, J. Adam, D. R. Gossett, A. Ayazi, E. Sollier, O. Malik, E. Chen, Y. Liu, R. Brown, N. Sarkhosh, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, Hybrid dispersion laser scanner, Scientific Reports 2, 445 (2012) link pdf
  5. K. Goda, A. Fard, O. Malik, G. Fu, A. Quach, and B. Jalali, High-throughput optical coherence tomography at 800 nm, Optics Express 20, 19612 (2012) doi pdf
  6. Z. Tan, C. Wang, E. D. Diebold, N. K. Hon, and B. Jalali, Real-time wavelength and bandwidth-independent optical integrator based on modal dispersion, Optics Express 20, 14109 (2012) doi pdf
  7. A. M. Fard, B. Buckley, S. Zlatanovic, C.-S. Bres, S. Radic, and B. Jalali, All-optical time-stretch digitizer, Applied Physics Letters 101, 051113 (2012) doi pdf
  8. P. T. S. DeVore, D. R. Sollli, C. Ropers, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Stimulated supercontinuum generation extends broadening limits in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 100, 101111 (2012) doi pdf
  9. H. K. Hon, Z. Shaposhnik, E. D. Diebold, F. Tamanoi, and B. Jalali, Tailoring the biodegradability of porous silicon nanoparticles, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 100, 3416 (2012) doi pdf
  10. P. W. C. Hon, A. Ayazi, B. Jalali, and T. Itoh, Dielectric field enhancer for reconfiguring the beam pattern and gain of an antenna, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 60, 4426 (2012) doi pdf


  1. S. H. Kim, K. Goda, A. Fard, and B. Jalali, Optical time-domain analog pattern correlator for high-speed real-time image recognition, Optics Letters 36, 220 (2011) doi pdf
  2. A. Fard, S. Gupta, and B. Jalali, Digital broadband linearization technique and its application to photonic time-stretch analog-to-digital converter, Optics Letters 36, 1077 (2011) doi pdf
  3. A. Fard, J. Y. Yang, B. Buckley, J. Wang, M. R. Chitgarha, L. Zhang, A. E. Willner, and B. Jalali, Time-stretch oscilloscope with dual-channel differential detection front-end for monitoring of 100-Gb/s RZ-DQPSK data, Optics Letters 36, 3804 (2011) doi pdf
  4. J. Ballato, T. Hawkins, P. Foy, S. Morris, N. K. Hon, B. Jalali, and R. Rice, Silica-clad crystalline germanium core optical fibers, Optics Letters 36, 687 (2011) doi pdf
  5. Z. Tan, C. Wang, K. Goda, O. Malik, and B. Jalali, Jammed-array wideband sawtooth filter, Optics Express 19, 24563 (2011) doi pdf
  6. E. D. Diebold, N. K. Hon, Z. Tan, J. Chou, T. Sienicki, C. Wang, and B. Jalali, Giant tunable optical dispersion using chromo-modal excitation of a multimode waveguide, Optics Express (2011) doi pdf
  7. A. Fard, A. Mahjoubfar, K. Goda, D. R. Gossett, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, Nomarski serial time-encoded amplified microscopy for high-speed contrast-enhanced imaging of transparent media, Biomedical Optics Express (2011) doi pdf
  8. N. K. Hon, R. Soref, and B. Jalali, The third-order nonlinear optical coefficients of Si, Ge, and Si(1-x)Ge(x) in the midwave and longwave infrared, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 011301 (2011) doi pdf
  9. A. Fard, P. DeVore, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Impact of optical nonlinearity on performance of photonic time-stretch analog-to-digital converter, Journal of Lightwave Technology 29, 2025 (2011) doi pdf
  10. A. Fard, B. Buckley, and B. Jalali, Spectral efficiency improvement in photonic time-stretch analog-to-digital converter via polarization multiplexing, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23, 947 (2011) doi pdf


  1. B. Jalali, Nonlinear optics in the mid-infrared, Nature Photonics 4, 506 (2010) doi pdf
  2. D. R. Solli, B. Jalali, and C. Ropers, Seeded supercontinuum generation with optical parametric down-conversion, Physical Review Letters 105, 233902 (2010) doi pdf
  3. K. Goda and B. Jalali, Noise figure of amplified dispersive Fourier transformation, Physical Review A 82, 033827 (2010) doi pdf
  4. P. Koonath, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in silicon, Optics Letters 35, 351 (2010) doi pdf
  5. D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, and B. Jalali, Rare frustration of optical supercontinuum generation, Applied Physics Letters 96, 151108 (2010) doi pdf
  6. K. K. Tsia, K. Goda, D. Capewell, and B. Jalali, Performance of serial time-encoded amplified microscope, Optics Express 18, 10016 (2010) doi pdf
  7. D. Borlaug, Robert R. Rice, and Bahram Jalali, Raman beam cleanup in silicon in the mid-infrared, Optics Express 18, 12411 (2010) doi pdf
  8. B. Jalali, D. R. Solli, K. Goda, K. Tsia, and C. Ropers, Real-time measurements, rare events, and photon economics, European Physical Journal Special Topics 185, 145 (2010) doi pdf
  9. K. Koichiro, N. K. Hon, and B. Jalali, Floating body CMOS phototransistor memory, IEICE Electronics Express 7, 1790 (2010) doi pdf
  10. B. Jalali, P. Soon-Shiong, and K. Goda, Breaking speed and sensitivity limits, Optik & Photonik, No. 2, 32 (2010) doi pdf


  1. K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Serial time-encoded amplified imaging for real-time observation of fast dynamic phenomena, Nature 458, 1145 (2009) doi pdf
  2. B. Jalali, D. R. Solli, and S. Gupta, Silicon photonics: silicons time lens, Nature Photonics 3, 8 (2009) doi pdf
  3. K. Goda, D. R. Solli, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Theory of amplified dispersive Fourier transformation, Physical Review A 80, 043821 (2009) doi pdf
  4. D. R. Solli, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Inverse Raman scattering in silicon: a free-carrier enhanced effect, Physical Review A 79, 053853 (2009) doi pdf
  5. D. Dimitropoulos and B. Jalali, Stochastic differential equation approach for waves in a random medium, Physical Review E 79, 036606 (2009) doi pdf
  6. K. Goda, A. Mahjoubfar, and B. Jalali, Demonstration of Raman gain at 800 nm in single-mode fiber and its potential application to biological sensing and imaging, Applied Physics Letters 95, 251101 (2009) doi pdf
  7. S. Gupta and B. Jalali, Time stretch enhanced recording oscilloscope, Applied Physics Letters 94, 041105 (2009) doi pdf
  8. N. K. Hon, K. K. Tsia, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Periodically poled silicon, Applied Physics Letters 94, 091116 (2009) doi pdf
  9. D. R. Solli, S. Gupta, and B. Jalali, Optical phase recovery in the dispersive Fourier transform, Applied Physics Letters 95, 231108 (2009) doi pdf
  10. K. K. Tsia, K. Goda, D. Capewell, and B. Jalali, Simultaneous mechanical-scan-free confocal microscopy and laser microsurgery, Optics Letters 34, 2099 (2009) doi pdf
  11. J. Chou, T. S. Rose, J. A. Conway, G. C. Valley, and B. Jalali, Time-gated filter for sideband suppression, Optics Letters 34, 7 (2009) doi pdf
  12. J. Ballato, T. Hawkins, P. Foy, B. Yazgan-Kukuoz, R. Stolen, C. McMillen, N. K. Hon, B. Jalali, and R. Rice, Glass-clad single-crystal Germanium optical fiber, Optics Express 17, 10 (2009) doi pdf
  13. D. Borlaug, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Extreme value statistics in silicon photonics, IEEE Photonics Journal 1, 33 (2009) doi pdf


  1. D. R. Solli, J. Chou, and B. Jalali, Amplified wavelength-time transformation for real-time spectroscopy, Nature Photonics 2, 48 (2008) doi pdf
  2. D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, and B. Jalali, Active control of rogue waves for stimulated supercontinuum generation, Physical Review Letters 101, 233902 (2008) doi pdf
  3. K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Amplified dispersive Fourier-transform imaging for ultrafast displacement sensing and barcode reading, Applied Physics Letters 93, 131109 (2008) doi pdf
  4. K. Goda, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Real-time optical reflectometry enabled by amplified dispersive Fourier transformation, Applied Physics Letters 93, 031106 (2008) doi pdf
  5. D. R. Solli, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Broadband Raman amplification in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 93, 191105 (2008) doi pdf
  6. J. Chou, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Real-time spectroscopy with subgigahertz resolution using amplified dispersive Fourier transformation, Applied Physics Letters 92, 111102 (2008) doi pdf
  7. K. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Electrical tuning of silicons dispersion, Applied Physics Letters 92, 061109 (2008)
  8. K. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Electrical tuning of birefringence in silicon waveguides, Applied Physics Letters 92, 061109 (2008) doi pdf
  9. P. Koonath, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Limiting nature of continuum generation in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 93, 091114 (2008) doi pdf
  10. S. Gupta and B. Jalali, Time-warp correction and calibration in photonic time-stretch ADC, Optics Letters 33, 2674 (2008) doi pdf
  11. K. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Electrical control of parametric processes in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 16, 9838 (2008) doi pdf
  12. M. Krause, H. Renner, S. Fathpour, E. Brinkmeyer, and B. Jalali, Gain enhancement in cladding-pumped silicon Raman amplifiers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 44, 692 (2008) doi pdf
  13. H. Chan, A. I. V. Casado, J. Basak, M. Griot, W.-Y. Weng, R. Wesel, B. Jalali, E. Yablonovitch, and I. Verbauwhede, Demonstration of uncoordinated multiple access in optical communications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I 55, 3259 (2008) doi pdf
  14. D. Dimitropoulos, D. R. Solli, R. Claps, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali, Noise figure of silicon Raman amplifiers, Journal of Lightwave Technology 26, 847 (2008) doi pdf
  15. X. Sang, D. Dimitropoulos, B. Jalali, and O. Boyraz, Influence of pump-to-signal RIN transfer on noise figure in silicon Raman amplifiers, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20, 2021 (2008) doi pdf
  16. B. Jalali, Can silicon change photonis?, Physics Status Solidi (a) 205, 213 (2008) doi pdf


  1. D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Optical rogue waves, Nature 450, 1054 (2007) doi pdf
  2. B. Jalali, Laser design: a cooler Raman laser, Nature Photonics 1, 691 (2007) doi pdf
  3. R. C. J. Hsu, A. Ayazi, B. Houshmand, and B. Jalali, All-dielectric photonic-assisted radio front-end technology, Nature Photonics 1, 535 (2007) doi pdf
  4. B. Jalali, Teaching silicon new tricks, Nature Photonics 1, 193 (2007) doi pdf
  5. J. Chou, O. Boyraz, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Femtosecond real-time single-shot digitizer, Applied Physics Letters 91, 161105 (2007) doi pdf
  6. P. Koonath, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, Continuum generation and carving on a silicon chip, Applied Physics Letters 91, 061111 (2007) doi pdf
  7. V. Raghunathan, D. Borlaug, R. Rice, and B. Jalali, Demonstration of a mid-infrared silicon Raman amplifier, Optics Express 15, 14355 (2007) doi pdf
  8. V. Raghunathan, H. Renner, R. Rice, and B. Jalali, Self-imaging silicon Raman amplifier, Optics Express 15, 3396 (2007) doi pdf
  9. P. Koonath and B. Jalali, Multilayer 3-D photonics in silicon, Optics Express 15, 12686 (2007) doi pdf
  10. A. Tarighat, S. Gupta, A. H. Sayed, and B. Jalali, Two-dimensional spatio-temporal signal processing for dispersion compensation in time-stretched ADC, Journal of Lightwave Technology 25, 1580 (2007) doi pdf
  11. A. Tarighat, R. C. J. Hsu, A. Shah, A. H. Sayed, and B. Jalali, Fundamentals and challenges of optical multiple-input multiple-output multimode fiber links, IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (2007) doi pdf
  12. S. Fathpour, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Two-photon photovoltaic effect in silicon, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 43, 1211 (2007) doi pdf
  13. S. Gupta, G. C. Valley, and B. Jalali, Distortion cancellation in time-stretch analog-to-digital converter, Journal of Lightwave Technology 25, 3716 (2007) doi pdf


  1. S. Fathpour, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Energy harvesting in silicon Raman amplifiers, Applied Physics Letters 89, 061109 (2006) doi pdf
  2. T. Indukuri, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Three-dimensional integration of metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor with subterranean photonics in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 88, 121108 (2006) doi pdf
  3. K. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Energy harvesting in silicon wavelength converter, Optics Express 14, 12327 (2006) doi pdf
  4. S. Fathpour and B. Jalali, Energy harvesting in silicon optical modulators, Optics Express 14, 10795 (2006) doi pdf
  5. D. Dimitropoulos, D. R. Solli, R. Claps, and B. Jalali, Noise figure and photon statistics in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, Optics Express 14, 11418 (2006) doi pdf
  6. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Shori, S. Fathpour, D. Dimitropoulos, and O. Stafsudd, Prospects for silicon mid-IR Raman lasers, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 12, 1618 (2006) doi pdf
  7. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, and O. Boyraz, Raman-based silicon photonics, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 12, 412 (2006) doi pdf
  8. A. Nuruzzaman, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali, Time stretched short-time Fourier transform, IMTC Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 55, 598 (2006) doi pdf
  9. P. Koonath, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali, Monolithic 3-D silicon photonics, Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 1796 (2006) doi pdf
  10. B. Bortnik, I. Poberezhskiy, J. Chou, B. Jalali, and H. Fetterman, Predistortion technique for RF-photonic generation of high-power ultrawideband arbitrary waveforms, Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 2752 (2006) doi pdf
  11. A. Tarighat, R. C. J. Hsu, A. H. Sayed, and B. Jalali, Digital adaptive phase noise reduction in coherent optical links, Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 1269 (2006) doi pdf
  12. B. Jalali and S. Fathpour, Silicon photonics, Journal of Lightwave Technology 24, 4600 (2006) doi pdf
  13. V. Raghunathan, R. Shori, O. Stafsudd, and B. Jalali, Nonlinear absorption in silicon and the prospects of mid-infrared silicon Raman lasers, Journal of Physica Status Solidi (a) Rapid Research Letters 203, R38 (2006) doi pdf
  14. R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, B. Jalali, and B. Jusserand, Raman scattering from acoustic modes in Si/Ge superlattice waveguides, Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures 39, 501 (2006) doi pdf
  15. R. C. J. Hsu, A. Tarighat, A. R. Shah, A. H. Sayed, and B. Jalali, Capacity enhancement in coherent optical MIMO multimode fiber links, IEEE Communications Letters 10, 195 (2006) doi pdf
  16. L. Sirleto, M. Ferrara, B. Jalali, and R. Rendina, Spontaneous Raman emission in porous silicon at 1.5 m and prospects for a Raman amplifier, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 8, S574 (2006) doi pdf


  1. Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali, Tera-sample-per-second real-time waveform digitizer, Applied Physics Letters 87, 241116 (2005) doi pdf
  2. D. Dimitropoulos, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Limitations of active removal in silicon Raman amplifiers and lasers, Applied Physics Letters 87, 261108 (2005) doi pdf
  3. P. Koonath, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali, Add-drop filters utilizing vertically-coupled microdisk resonators in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 86, 091102 (2005) doi pdf
  4. D. Dimitropoulos, R. Jhaveri, R. Claps, J. C. S. Woo, and B. Jalali, Lifetime of photo-generated carriers in silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides, Applied Physics Letters 86, 071115 (2005) doi pdf
  5. B. Jalali and S. Fathpour, Have silicon lasers come of age? Photonics Spectra, Nov. 62 (2005) link
  6. R. Claps, V. Raghunathan, O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Raman amplification and lasing in SiGe waveguides, Optics Express 13, 2459 (2005) doi pdf
  7. O. Boyraz and B. Jalali, Demonstration of directly modulated silicon Raman laser, Optics Express 13, 796 (2005) doi pdf
  8. J. Chou, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali, Adaptive optical post distortion linearization, Optics Express 13, 5711 (2005) doi pdf
  9. A. Shah, C. J. Hsu, A. Tarighat, A. H. Sayed, and B. Jalali, Coherent optical MIMO (COMIMO), Journal of Lightwave Technology 23, 2410 (2005) doi pdf
  10. V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Parametric Raman wavelength conversion in scaled silicon waveguides, Journal of Lightwave Technology 23, 2094 (2005) doi pdf
  11. I. Poberezhskiy, B. Bortnik, J. Chou, B. Jalali, and H. R. Fetterman, Serrodyne frequency translation of continuous optical signals using ultra-wideband electrical sawtooth waveforms, Journal of Quantum Electronics 41, 1533 (2005) doi pdf
  12. Y. Han and B. Jalali, Continuous-time time-stretched analog-to-digital converter array implemented using virtual time gating, Transactions on Circuits and Systems I 52, 1502 (2005) doi pdf
  13. Y. Han, O. Boyraz, and B. Jalali, Ultrawide-band photonic time-stretch A/D converter employing photonic phase diversity. Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 53, 1404 (2005) doi pdf


  1. P. Koonath, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali, Vertically coupled micro-resonators realized using three-dimensional sculpting in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 85, 1018 (2004) doi pdf
  2. V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Wavelength conversion in silicon using Raman induced four-wave mixing, Applied Physics Letters 85, 34 (2004) doi pdf
  3. O. Boyraz and B. Jalali, Demonstration of a silicon Raman laser, Optics Express 12, 5269 (2004) doi pdf
  4. R. Claps, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Influence of nonlinear absorption on Raman amplification in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 12, 2774 (2004) doi pdf
  5. O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, V. Raghunathan, and B. Jalali, All optical switching and continuum generation in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 12, 4094 (2004) doi pdf
  6. O. Boyraz, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali, Self-phase modulation-induced spectral broadening in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 12, 829 (2004) doi pdf
  7. D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, and B. Jalali, Phase-matching and nonlinear optical processes in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 12, 149 (2004) doi pdf
  8. J. Chou, Y. Han, and B. Jalali, Time-wavelength spectroscopy for chemical sensing, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 16, 1140 (2004) doi pdf
  9. L. Sirleto, V. Raghunathan, A. Rossi, and B. Jalali, Raman emission in porous silicon at 1.54 m, Electronics Letters 40, 1221 (2004) doi pdf
  10. O. Boyraz and B. Jalali, Demonstration of 11 dB fiber-to-fiber gain in a silicon Raman amplifier, IEICE Electronics Express 1, 429 (2004) doi pdf
  11. O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Observation of simultaneous Stokes and anti-Stokes emission in a silicon Raman laser, IEICE Electronics Express 1, 435 (2004) doi pdf
  12. C. J. Hsu, A. Shah, and B. Jalali, Coherent optical multiple-input multiple-output communication, IEICE Electronics Express 1, 392 (2004) doi pdf
  13. V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, R. Claps, and B. Jalali, Raman induced wavelength conversion in scaled silicon waveguides, IEICE Electronics Letters 1, 298 (2004) doi pdf
  14. Y. Han, O. Boyraz, A. Nuruzzaman, and B. Jalali, Optical header recognition using time stretch preprocessing, Optics Communications 237, 333 (2004) doi pdf


  1. P. Koonath, K. Kishima, T. Indukuri, and B. Jalali, Sculpting of three-dimensional nano-optical structures in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 83, 4909 (2003) doi pdf
  2. R. Claps, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Anti-Stokes Raman conversion in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 11, 2862 (2003) doi pdf
  3. R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, Y. Han, and B. Jalali, Observation of stimulated Raman amplification in silicon waveguides, Optics Express 11, 1731 (2003) doi pdf
  4. D. Dimitropoulos, B. Houshmand, R. Claps, and B. Jalali, Coupled-mode theory of the Raman effect in silicon-on-insulator waveguides, Optics Letters 28, 1954 (2003) doi pdf
  5. Y. Han and B. Jalali, Photonic time-stretched analog-to-digital converter: fundamental concepts and practical considerations, Journal of Lightwave Technology 21, 3085 (2003) doi pdf
  6. J. Han, B.-J. Seo, Y. Han, B. Jalali, and H. R. Fetterman, Reduction of fiber chromatic dispersion effects in fiber-wireless and photonic time-stretching system using polymer modulators, Journal of Lightwave Technology 21, 1504 (2003) doi pdf
  7. R. Sadhwani and B. Jalali, Adaptive CMOS predistortion linearizer for fiber-optic links, Journal of Lightwave Technology 21, 3180 (2003) doi pdf
  8. B. Jalali, Time-frequency techniques for ultrafast data conversion, LEOS Annual Newsletter, Oct. 15 (2003) link
  9. J. Basak, R. Sadhwani, and B. Jalali, WDM pilot tone technique for analog optical links, Electronics Letters 39, 1083 (2003) doi pdf
  10. Y. Han, B. Jalali, J. Han, B.-J. Seo, and H. R. Fetterman, Demonstration and analysis of single sideband photonic time-stretch system, IEICE Transactions on Electronics E86-C, 1276 (2003) link pdf
  11. J. Chou, Y. Han, and B. Jalali, Adaptive RF photonic arbitrary waveform generator, IEICE Transactions on Electronics E86-C, 1226 (2003) link pdf
  12. Y. Han and B. Jalali, Time-bandwidth product of the photonic time stretch analog-to-digital converter, Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 51, 1886 (2003)doi pdf
  13. Y. H. Kuo, W. H. Steier, S. Dubovitsky, and B. Jalali, Demonstration of wavelength insensitive biasing using an electro-optic polymer modulator, Photonics Technology Letters 15, 813 (2003) doi pdf
  14. J. Chou, Y. Han, and B. Jalali, Adaptive RF photonic arbitrary waveform generator, Photonics Technology Letters 15, 581 (2003) doi pdf


  1. R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, Y. Han, and B. Jalali, Observation of Raman emission in silicon waveguides at 1.54 m, Optics Express 10, 1305 (2002) doi pdf
  2. S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, S. Yegnanarayanan, and B. Jalali, Analysis and improvement of Mach-Zehnder modulator linearity performance for chirped and tunable optical carriers, Journal of Lightwave Technology 20, 858 (2002) doi pdf
  3. R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, and B. Jalali, Stimulated Raman scattering in silicon waveguides, Electronics Letters 38, 1352 (2002) doi pdf
  4. A. S. Bhushan, Y. Han, and B. Jalali, Time stretched ADC arrays, Journal of Transactions on Circuits and Systems 49, 521 (2002) doi pdf
  5. A. S. Bhushan, P. V. Kelkar, B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, and M. Islam, 130 GSa/s photonic analog-to-digital converter with time stretch preprocessor, Photonics Technology Letters 14, 684 (2002) doi pdf
  6. I. Oh, S. Yegnanarayanan, and B. Jalali, High-resolution microwave phonon spectroscopy of dispersion shifted fiber, Photonics Technology Letters 14, 358 (2002)doi pdf

Prior to 2002

  1. O. Boyraz, J. Kim, M. N. Islam, F. Coppinger, and B. Jalali, 10 Gb/s multiple wavelength, coherent short pulse source based on spectral carving of supercontinuum generated in fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology 18, 2167 (2000) doi pdf
  2. A. S. Bhushan, P. V. Kelkar, and B. Jalali, 30 Gsample/s time-stretch analog-to-digital converter, Electronics Letters 36, 1526 (2000) link pdf
  3. S. Yegnanarayanan and B. Jalali, Wavelength-selective true time delay for optical control of phased-array antenna, Photonics Technology Letters 12, 1049 (2000) doi pdf
  4. S. Yegnanarayanan, A. S. Bhushan, and B. Jalali, Fast wavelength-hopping time-spreading encoding/decoding for optical CDMA, Photonics Technology Letters 12, 573 (2000) doi pdf
  5. P. Kelkar, F. Coppinger, A. S. Bhushan, and B. Jalali, Time-domain optical sensing, Electronics Letters 35, 1661 (1999) doi pdf
  6. F. Coppinger, A. S. Bhushan, and B. Jalali, Photonic time stretch and its application to analog-to-digital conversion, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 47, 1309 (1999) doi pdf



B. Jalali, K. Goda, P. Soon-Shiong, and K. K. Tsia, “Time-stretch imaging and its applications to high-throughput microscopy and microsurgery,” IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter 24, 11 (2010) link pdf


  1. B. Jalali, S. Fathpour, and K. K. Tsia, “Green silicon photonics,” Optics & Photonics News 20, 18 (2009) link pdf
  2. K. Goda, “Ultrafast imaging method using optical processing technology,” OptoNews 3, 7 (2009)


B. Jalali, “Making silicon lase,” Scientific American 58 (2007) link pdf


  1. B. Jalali, M. Paniccia, and G. Reed, “Silicon photonics,”Microwave Magazine 7, 58 (2006) doi pdf
  2. B. Jalali, “Silicon lasers,”APS News 15, 5 (2006) link


B. Jalali, J. Chou, and Y. Han, “Optically sculpt UWB waveforms,”Microwaves & RF Magazine 43, 54 (2004) link


  • Mohammad H. Asghari and Bahram Jalali, “Analog Time-Bandwidth Compression using the Anamorphic Stretch Transform (AST),” 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Austin, Dec. 2013. pdf
  • Milestones in Silicon Photonics pdf


  • Mohammad H. Asghari and Bahram Jalali, “Analog Time-Bandwidth Compression using the Anamorphic Stretch Transform (AST),” 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Austin, Dec. 2013. pdf
  • Milestones in Silicon Photonics pdf


  • Eric D. Diebold, BrandonW. Buckley, Daniel R. Gossett and Bahram Jalali, “Digitally synthesized beat frequency multiplexing for sub-millisecond fluorescence microscopy,” Nature Photonics, (2013).

Nature Methods link pdf – “Fluorescence microscopy gets a frequency boost”

  • Peter T S DeVore, Daniel R Solli, David Borlaug, Claus Ropers and Bahram Jalali, “Rogue events and noise shaping in nonlinear silicon photonics,” J. Opt. 15(6) 064001, (2013)

IOP Science link pdf – “Silicon photonics goes rogue”

  • K. K. Tsia, K. Goda, D. Capewell, and B. Jalali, Simultaneous mechanical-scan-free confocal microscopy and laser microsurgery, Optics Letters 34, 2099 (2009)

Photonics Spectra – “Its two, two, two tools in one

  • S. Gupta and B. Jalali, Time stretch enhanced recording oscilloscope, Applied Physics Letters 94, 041105 (2009)

Reuters – “GigOptixs 100G Mach Zehnder modulator enables 110 GHz time stretched analog to digital conversions at UCLA”
PhotonicsOnline – “GigOptixs 100G Mach Zehnder modulator enables 110 GHz time stretched analog to digital conversions at UCLA”
Yahoo Finance – GigOptixs 100G Mach Zehnder modulator enables 110 GHz time stretched analog to digital conversions at UCLA

  • K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Serial time-encoded amplified imaging for real-time observation of fast dynamic phenomena, Nature 458, 1145 (2009)

Nature News – “World’s fastest camera”
BBC News – “Debut for world’s fastest camera”
Wired Magazine – “Fastest camera ever built uses lasers”
Discover Magazine – “World’s fastest camera snaps 6 million pictures in a single ..”
UCLA Newsroom – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of imaging”
Nature Abstractions – “First author”
PhysicsWorld – “New camera 1000 times faster than competitors” – “Meet the world’s fastest camera”
PhysOrg – “World’s fastest camera relies on new type of imaging, takes 6 million ..” – “World’s fastest camera developed at UCLA”
Yahoo Japan Headline News – “World’s fastest camera developed at UCLA”
Livedoor News – “World’s fastest cameera developed at UCLA”
Gizmodo – “World’s fastest camera uses lasers to boost images”
Inovacao Tecnologica – “Camera mais rapida do mundo usa lasers e nao tem CCD”
Romandie News – “Six millions d’images par seconde pour filmer des ..”
Slashdot – “Scientists build world’s fastest camera”
LaserFocusWorld – “World’s fastest camera uses new type of imaging to capture ..”
Amateur Photographer – “Fastest camera could help fight cancer ..” – “World’s fastest camera shoots 6 million fps”
American Scientist – “Debut for world’s fastest camera”
redOrbit – “Researchers unveil world’s fastest camera”
ScienceDaily – “World’s fastest camera relies on entirely new type of imaging”
ePHOTOzine – “World’s fastest camera”
e! Science News – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of ..”
azo optics – “Novel continuously running camera that captures images roughly ..”
California NanoSystems Institute – “World’s fastest camera developed by team ..”
Science Centric – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of imaging”
nanowerk – “World’s fastest camera relies on new type of imaging”
Buzz7 – “World’s fastest camera can capture 6 million snaps in a second”
LabSpaces – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of imaging”
Gizmo Watch – “Fastest camera in the world developed with STEAM” – “World’s fastest camera” – “World’s fastest camera shoots 6 million fps” – “World’s fastest camera can capture 6 milion snaps in a second”
Wired Vision – “World’s fastest camera developed by Keisuke Goda at UCLA”
Livedoor News – “Realization of world’s fastest camera”
Goo Business EX – “Realization of world’s fastest camera” – “Camera snaps at record speed”
Zeenews – “World’s fastest camera captures 6 million pics a sec”
MailOnline – “Quick as a flash: world’s fastest camera takes six million images ..” – “Imaging at 6 million fps”
Nanotechnology Now – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of ..”
UC Newsroom – “World’s fastest camera relies on new type of imaging”
innovations report – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of ..”
cnet news – “Crazy-fast camera shoots at 6.1 million frames per second”
R&D Magazine – “World’s fastest camera grabs 6 million frames per second” – “World’s fastest camera relies on an entirely new type of ..”
Imaging & Microscopy – “New type of imaging: fastest camera”
2physics – Worlds fastest continuously running camera
Optics & Photonics News (OPN) – Ultrafast imaging captures fleeting phenomena

  • D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, and B. Jalali, Active control of rogue waves for stimulated supercontinuum generation, Physical Review Letters 101, 233902 (2008)

physicstoday – taming rogue waves to create switchable supercontinua
InTech – Rogue light waves under control

  • K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Amplified dispersive Fourier-transform imaging for ultrafast displacement sensing and barcode reading, Applied Physics Letters 93, 131109 (2008)

Wired Magazine – new improved bar code readers, now 1000 times faster
PhysOrg – Researchers develop worlds fastest bar code reader
Nature The Great Beyond – Worlds fastest barcode reader – UCLA creates the fastest barcode scanner in the world
UCLA Newsroom – UCLA researchers develop worlds fastest bar code reader
KTLA – Worlds fastest bar code reader invented
Daily Bruin – UCLA develops fastest barcode reader
Channel 42 – Worlds fastest barcode reader
ABC News – Ultra-fast bar code reader at UCLA

  • D. R. Solli, C. Ropers, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Optical rogue waves, Nature 450, 1054 (2007)

Scientific American – The real sea monsters: on the hunt for rogue waves
Reuters – “U.S. scientists shed light on monster sea waves”
NPR – Scientists seek cause of mysterious rogue waves
ScienceNews – Light swell: optical rogue waves resemble oceanic ones
Nature News – Rogue waves made of light
Nature News and views – Photonics: rogue waves surface in light
Times Online – How slight shift in the wind can turn a wave into deadly leviathan – Scientists identify origins of freak waves
The Herald – The freaky maths that led to devastation
EE Times – EEs explain rogue waves
PhysicsWorld – Noise might cause huge ocean waves
PhysOrg – Researchers capture optical rogue waves
LaserFocusWorld – Optical theory: scientists capture optical rogue waves
MSNBC – Scientists she light on monster sea waves
ABC News – Scientists she light on monster sea waves
Yahoo News – Scientists she light on monster sea waves
AOL News – Scientists she light on monster sea waves
Scientific American – Scientists she light on monster sea waves

  • S. Fathpour, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, Energy harvesting in silicon Raman amplifiers, Applied Physics Letters 89, 061109 (2006)

Optics & Photonics News (OPN) – Green silicon photonics
EE Times – Silicon laser harnessed
Technology Review – Self-powered silicon laser chips
InformationWeek – New approach could lead to self-powered silicon laser chip
ScienceNews – Power play

  • T. Indukuri, P. Koonath, and B. Jalali, Three-dimensional integration of metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor with subterranean photonics in silicon, Applied Physics Letters 88, 121108 (2006) – Photonics goes underground in silicon

  • O. Boyraz and B. Jalali, Demonstration of a silicon Raman laser, Optics Express 12, 5269 (2004)

Technology Review – “Pure silicon laser debuts”
Nature – “First silicon laser pulses with life” link pdf
Scientific American – Making light of silicon
Scientific American – Photons, electrons and silicon
Scientific American – Making silicon lase
ScienceNews – Laser landmark: silicon device spans technology gap – Californians build first silicon laser
physicstoday – Optically pumped silicon lases in the near-infrared
materialstoday – Worlds first all-silicon laser
LaserFocusWorld – Semiconductor lasers: UCLA and Intel continue silicon-laser .. – Silicon laser is realized
UC Newsroom – Scientists demonstrate first silicon laser
The Engineer – Making light work
oe magazine – Scientists demonstrate first silicon laser
PhysOrg – Scientists demonstrate first silicon laser


  1. Bahram Jalali, Keisuke Goda, Akira Sato, and Kenji Taira, “Apparatus and method for multiple-pulse impulsive stimulated raman spectroscopy”, US8456629, issued 2013-06-04 pdf
  2. Bahram Jalali, Keisuke Goda, Kevin Kin-Man Tsia, “Methods for optical amplified imaging using a two-dimensional spectral brush”, US8440952, issued 2013-05-14 pdf
  3. Shalabh Gupta, Bahram Jalali, Ali Motafakker-Fard, “Time stretch enhanced recording scope”, US8432153, issued 2013-04-30 pdf
  4. Bahram Jalali, Keisuke Goda, Kevin Kin-Man Tsia, “Apparatus and method for dispersive Fourier-transform imaging”, US8376218, issued 2013-02-19 pdf
  5. Daniel Solli, Bahram Jalali, Claus Ropers, “Method and apparatus for generation and detection of rogue waves”, US8355198, issued 2013-01-15 pdf
  6. Bahram Jalali, Daniel Solli, Jason Chou, “Apparatus and method for Raman spectroscopy and microscopy with time domain spectral analysis”, US7821633, issued 2010-10-26 pdf
  7. Bahram Jalali, Chia-Jen Hsu, Bijan Houshmand, “Non-electronic radio frequency front-end with immunity to electromagnetic pulse damage”, US7450790, issued 2008-11-11 pdf
  8. Bahram Jalali, Parag V. Kelkar, “Method and apparatus for arbitrary waveform generation using photonics”, US6724783, issued 2004-04-20 pdf
  9. Bahram Jalali, Frederic Marie Alain Coppinger, “Data conversion using time manipulation”, US6288659, issued 2001-09-11 pdf
  10. Bahram Jalali, Clifford Alan King, “Heterojunction bipolar transistor having mono crystalline sige intrinsic base and polycrystalline sige and Si extrinsic base regions”, US5834800, issued 1998-11-10 pdf
  11. Bahram Jalali, Sivasubramaniam S. Yegnanarayanan, “Method and apparatus for a wavelength selective true-time delay for an optically controlled device”, US5793907, issued 1998-8-11 pdf
  12. Bahram Jalali, Clifford A. King, “Method for making a heterojunction bipolar transistor”, US5620907, issued 1997-4-15 pdf
  13. John C. Bean, Gregg S. Higashi, Bahram Jalali, Clifford A. King, “Method of making a polysilicon emitter bipolar transistor”, US5096840, issued 1992-05-17 pdf