All-Dielectric Photonic-Assisted Radio Front-End Technology
demonstrated an all-dielectric photonic-assisted receiver. This RF receiver front-end features a complete absence of electronic circuitry and metal interconnects, the traditional ‘soft spots’ of a conventional RF receiver. The device exploits a dielectric resonator antenna to capture and deliver the RF signal onto an electro-optic field sensor. The dielectric approach has an added benefit in that it reduces the physical size of the front end, an important benefit in mobile applications.
[1] “Dielectric wireless receiver,” Wikipedia
[2] R. C. J. Hsu, A. Ayazi, B. Houshmand, and B. Jalali, “All-dielectric photonic-assisted radio front-end technology,” Nature Photonics 1, 535 (2007)
[3] A. Ayazi, R. C. J. Hsu, B. Houshmand, W. H. Steier, and B. Jalali, “All-dielectric photonic-assisted wireless receiver,” Optics Express 16, 1742 (2007)